Tank Wars Mystery Box Purchase Tutorial

Tank Wars Zone
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

Dear Tank Wars Family,

Our Mystery Box Sale is just hours away from starting — February 15, 1 PM UTC. To better prepare, we have written this tutorial so you can navigate and participate in our Mystery Box Sale more easily.

✨Step 1: Please go to our official Mystery Box Sale link:


✨Step 2: Connect your wallet.

✨Step 3: If you are not whitelisted, there will be a pop-up saying you are not among the whitelisted participants & please come back 12 hours after our First Round ended.

Our whitelist results: https://bit.ly/mysteryboxwhitelist

If whitelisted, you will see there is no pop-up and you can continue to Step 4.

✨Step 4: By scrolling down, you will see the payment panel.

When the countdown timer is over, you can start buying the boxes.

At 1500 WBOND each, select the number of boxes you want to buy (max 5 boxes per wallet), and click Buy to proceed.

Please remember to have WBOND to buy our NFTs & a small amount of FTM to cover gas fees.

✨Step 5: A pop-up from Metamask will appear with the details of the transaction.

Click Confirm to proceed.

✨Step 6: Once the transaction is confirmed and processed, there will be a pop-up saying your purchase is completed.

Click OK to complete your box purchasing.

You have now officially owned our Tank Wars Zone Genesis Tank NFTs! 🌟🚀

🍀 Note:

After purchasing, please wait until our unboxing day expected to be on February 20, 2022.

If you open a Legendary tank carrying our VC names, we will refund 1500 $WBOND that you spent & it’s still yours to keep. There are only 35 such Tanks in total.

The more you buy, the more chances you get these special ones.🎇

More details about unboxing will be coming soon.

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Again, we would like to announce our Mystery Box Sale will start tomorrow from 1 PM UTC, February 15.

With 8,000 boxes on sale at 1500 WBOND each, the First Round will last 12 hours on a First Come First Serve basis.

🚀 First Round:

· Only for Whitelisted Participants

· Start: February 15, 2022–01:00 PM UTC

· End: February 16, 2022–01:00 AM UTC

· Duration: 12 hours


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After our First Round ended, the Second Round will start for everyone to join, and also on FCFS basis.

🚀 Second Round:

· For Everyone

· Start: After First Round

· End: Until sold out


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For more information, you can also get the latest updates from our official resources:

Socials: https://linktr.ee/tankwarszone/

Website: https://tankwars.zone/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TankWarsZone

Telegram: https://t.me/TankWarsZone

Discord: https://discord.gg/82jCm7QyRA

Youtube: https://bit.ly/tankwarszone1v1

